
Top 10 Human Foods You May Not Be Sure to Feed the Dogs


Humans love dogs the most. They love to keep them as their beloved pets and share their home, and heart with them. Commonly, humans also love to share their favorite food with their dogs which can invite some possible risks associated with feeding human food to the dogs. 

Correct information and proper guidance are required in feeding these lovely pooches.

Therefore, we will explain the top 10 human foods you may not be sure to feed the dogs.

1. Can Dogs Eat Yogurt?

Yes, dogs can eat yogurt.

It is a good source of calcium and protein for dogs. If we are going to choose the yogurts specifically for the dogs, we can choose which contain the live active bacteria, no sugar, and no artificial sweetener.

Feeding the dog with yogurt which is full of live bacteria is amazing. It means that we are providing it a good quantity of pro-biotic which exactly works the same way it works in humans.

Also, consider the fat-free yogurt for all the dogs that are a few pounds over-weight and prefer frozen yogurt in the summer season to keep the dog cool.

2. Can Dogs Eat Dates?

Yes, dogs can eat dates.

Dates are safe for dogs to eat however, just like every other dry fruit dates also contain a chemical compound called sci-fite which can cause problems like stomach pain, gas, or diarrhea.

The only other danger associated with dates is the stone. It is a choking hazard particularly for small pups and may cause intestinal obstruction which could require surgery. Also, be careful of the sugar content present in the dates as too much quantity of dates fed to the dog will have side effects.

3. Can Dogs Eat Tomatoes?

Yes, dogs can eat tomatoes.

Tomatoes contain compounds like solanine, that are harmful to certain animals. This compound is found in the stem and leaves of the tomatoes and is harmful to dogs in large quantities. 

The leaves, stems, and young tomatoes contain a higher amount of solanine than the ripe tomatoes. This means that ripe tomatoes are generally safe for dogs.     

4. Can Dogs Eat Oranges?

Yes, dogs can eat oranges.

Orange is a citrus fruit and is not toxic for dogs like the grapes but it is recommended that you feed them to your dogs in moderation. As oranges contain high sugar volumes, they can potentially cause stomach issues for your dogs. The citric acid in oranges is not an issue for dogs, but it can lead to obesity and other health issues if regularly fed in large quantities.

It is recommended to only give oranges to your dog as a treat and not as a part of a daily diet.

5. Can Dogs Eat Cherries?

No, dogs cannot eat cherries.

Cherries cannot be fed to the dogs as they are toxic for them. The toxicity in the cherries for dogs ranges between mild to moderate. In cherries everything besides the ripe pulp around the seeds contains cyanide. In larger amounts, cyanide can cause a range of health issues for the dog.

Therefore, cherries are not safe for our fluffy pals to eat.

6. Can Dogs Eat Potatoes?

It depends.

Potatoes contain vitamin C, B6, iron, magnesium, and many other nutrients that dogs need. But if you don’t prepare them properly, or you feed your dog with too many, there could be adverse effects. Raw potatoes should never be fed to your dog as it can be toxic for some dogs.

If you feed your dog with potatoes, they should be cooked or baked. Fried potatoes are not good for dogs. 

7. Can Dogs Eat Bananas?

Yes, dogs can eat bananas.

Bananas are good for the chewing sessions of your dogs. They help in the growth of bones and soothing for the upset stomach of your dog. It can be mixed with peanut butter, or a small amount of yogurt.

Be very careful and always consider a moderate quantity and do not overfeed or make them a part of the regular diet.

Therefore, bananas are safe for the dogs and can be given as an occasional treat only.

8. Can Dogs Eat Cantaloupes?

Yes, dogs can eat cantaloupes.

Cantaloupes are one of the fully nutritious fruits that are perfectly all right for your dog. It is a healthy snack for the dogs and it is encumbered with water too which helps to support your dog for dehydration.

This fruit contains a lot of water content so we must take care while feeding it to the dogs. We must take away its skin because it is bitter, and can be dangerous for your dog.

Therefore, it is perfectly defended that you can feed your dog with a cantaloupe as a traditional treat.

9. Can Dogs Eat Watermelons?

Yes, dogs can eat watermelons.

If you are eating watermelon and your dog wants it too then you can share it with your dog. Watermelon is full of water content and good for keeping the dog safe from dehydration.

Too much amount of this fruit is unhealthy for the dogs. Also either you spend some time to take out all the pips from the watermelon or you buy a seedless watermelon for your dog. The pips contain a substance inside them that can be toxic for the dogs.

Therefore, you can give your dog a seedless watermelon from time to time. 

10. Can Dogs Eat Popcorn?

Yes, dogs can eat popcorn.

Popcorns are not unnecessarily unhealthy for your dog however, since most popcorn that is consumed by humans is flavored and salty, these flavors are not healthy for your dog.

Therefore, if your dog eats a small number of popcorns that are given by you or fallen on the ground and eaten by your dog, it is perfectly fine for him. But be careful that you do not provide your dog a bowl full of popcorns.

Final Words

Hopefully, you are now pretty aware of the human foods that you can give to your dog. Furthermore, always choose healthy food for your canine pal.


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